1. Through the website
a. www.dikilidh.gov.tr address.
b. 182 MHRS click on appointment button
c. On the screen that appears, you can get your order by filling in your TC ID NUMBER and PASSWORD.
Polyclinic You can ask the data logger at the consultation to make an MHRS appointment for you.
2. You can get your turn by contacting the polyclinic secretary directly.
· Policlinic patient registration process starts at 08.00.
· Outpatient services start at 09.00 and end at 16.00.
When you come to our hospital for examination in the polyclinic
Photo ID card with Turkish Republic ID number
For examination, please contact your hospital's patient registry with your own identification document.
After your registration process is checked and the accuracy of your registration information is checked, provision inquiry is made by connecting to the spas center of your institution via internet. Here, according to the next response will be processed.
If your examination request is accepted, you can have your admission procedures by saying the policlinic you want to be examined.
After you have finished your login process; The protocol number, name and surname of the hospital will be given to you, and a small written paper (barcode) showing the time and the possible examination hours of the polyclinic you will go to.
After receiving this paper, wait in the waiting rooms of the outpatient clinic when your order number and name appears on the main screen and on the screens above the examination room.
If you do not have social security, go to the cashier and then to the outpatient clinic to pay the outpatient fee. If you are asked for an examination after the end of the examination process or if you are going to be sent to another policlinic for consultation, you can go to the cashier and pay your fee at the relevant place.
7. The widows and orphans of emergency cases, disabled persons, pregnant women, elderly people over 65 years old, children under seven years of age, martyrs of war and duty, invalids and veterans, TSK, J.Gn.K. The personnel of TSK, J.Gn.K. and SSI in service, including those who come from outside the garrison, and their dependents, retired TSK, J.Gn.K. and SSI personnel and their dependents have priority during the polyclinic. .
To make an appointment, please call the MHRS Call Center number 182 and make an appointment from the mobile health app of Dikili State Hospital on https://www.mhrs.gov.tr/Vatandas/ web address.
Outpatient Clinic Working Hours: Weekdays 09.00 - 12.00 / 13.00 - 16.00
• Hospital rules should be followed.
• When an appointment is made with MHRS, you must apply to the patient registry at least 15 minutes before your appointment in order to make your hospital registration.
• You can contact the Patient Rights Unit for solutions to your problems.
• Medication is not prescribed before the patient arrives at the hospital.
• In accordance with the patient's request, no medication, report, or examination is made.
Have a healthy day.